Sunday, September 12, 2010

Story of our lives

I went to post this on Logan's FB and then I realized she is no longer part of that world. I feel like you guys will enjoy this. The blog, hyperbole and a half, is absolutely hysterical. The girl, Allie, has the exact same messed up brain as us and her comics are pretty spot on. Here is a newer one that is quite grand...

All the best holidays

Today, while roaming the isles of the Goodwill looking at all sorts of creepy (both in the scary sense and the used purple boa thong sense of the word) Halloween costumes, I got excited for fall. I still have no idea what I want to be for Halloween, but am so excited to carve pumpkins and roast the seeds and pass out candy (and then most likely pass out). What should I be..any ideas?

On a similar but more exciting note we are going to spend New Years in Seattle!!! I am very enthusiastic about this trip and am excited to travel with you
lovely ladies! We need to start formulating plans and outfits asap. Also, Rob how much did you see tix for? When I looked they were in the $200s. Regardless it will be a fantastic way to celebrate my 23rd birthday and ring in what shall be a fabulous new year!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Welcome to the magical mystical world that is my mind

Hello to my two friends. You are lovely people. I am going to binge on Ice Cream now with Gabe because he bribed me to pick him up from school. xoxo